

August 2, 2010 - 3:57pm -- leadacademy

Today we learned a lot about survival. We even did survival activities of back then and the future. I learned that one of the most important items for survival is oxygen, food and water. Without any of these things you probably wouldn't be able to survive. We also went to the stem lab and built moon habitats. We learned that moon habitats are for humans when they land on the moon. The moon habitats that we built today were made out of newspaper but some of them were very sturdy and firm and some -my group's included- were kind of flimsy and they were hard to stay put.After each individual group was done building their own moon habitat we connected all the moon habitats together thus, creating a big group moon habitat. I thought it looked pretty cool when we put them all together. We were alos given pedometers to record how many steps we took during the day. Doing these activities today at Girls Inc. helped me to laways be prepared for a "what if" scenario.....I mean you can never be too sure. I defintely enjoyed what we did today at Girls Inc. and I hope that tommorow will be as fun and interesting as today was.