
Divas visiting the art. (:

August 2, 2010 - 3:36pm -- thinksmart

On July 29th, we visited the Worcester Art Museum. (;

The first gallery we visited... well, I don't remember the name but we got to see the oldest colonial paintings in America. On the left was Mr.Freake ( pronounced frate ; 8D ) wearing his best clothing. His jacket had 28 silver buttons. On the right was Mrs.Freake and her daughter. The daughter was very stiff. The artist was untrained and didn't go to school, since his living was drawing buildings, designing them. So his paints began to wear off and the painting was slightly damaged over time and also, the baby came off as very stiff. The paintings were drawn in 1670. Behind these paintings was a painting of Rebecca Orne with a pet squirrel! Yes, it was very awesome. The painting looked like she had no arm, but you could see her hand.  There was a self portrait of Thomas Smith, which was the oldest known self portrait in America.

We then visited the Fuller Conservation Labatory. The primary job of the lab is to preserve paintings and to repair them the best they can so that the viewer can see the original beauty of the work, and the people of the future will see it too. They have a lot of machinary and tools to inspect the art as well.

Then, we visited an English gallery, starting from the oldest paintings of Jesus and moving on to older paintings where art evolved. In a lot of paintings, the influence of Leonardo DaVinci was visible but in others, not so much.

In the painting of the two daughters of Thomas Gainsborough ( Mary & Maragaret ) ; originally Margaret was facing the right, but then Thomas decided to change it and she ended up facing the left. If you stand slightly to the left of the painting, you see the original Margaret that's facing the right, like a ghost figure.

Later on, Impressionism formed, where if you stand up close, you don't see much, like it's very loosely painted. But from a distance you see an image.

Yeah, so our trip to the Art Museum was very interesting and beautiful. (:
