
A Day with MIT

August 3, 2010 - 3:51pm -- leadacademy

Today we took a trip to Boston and went to a MIT, a college in Boston. We learned that onn the moon its hard to walk because of how the space suit is formed. They are filled with gas for humans to breath. That gas is called oxygen in order for us to live we need it. Moon and Mars are the only two heavenly bodies that NASA has ever visited and done some investigation and work on it. We also saw how astronauts walk on moon and mars. The space suit has a reflex as a balloon, so it not easy to bend, they have a certain moon walk. We had experienced the  moon walk by connecting a harness that you have to put on your bodya nd attaching some equipment and clinging these metal links thats on the equipment that lifts you up a little bit and your also on a treadmill. When yhur on it its like your moon bouncing! I really had a great time cant to explore new things about NASA!!!!!!...........