
A Day at MIT

August 3, 2010 - 3:31pm -- leadacademy

         The day at MIT started with an exhausting bus ride to the college. Once we were of the bus, we stretched our tired bodies and enter the building. We had a PHD student guide us throughout the building. He brought us to a room and gave us a short introduction about the college, what he does, and the other programs that are associated with the college. After he was done speaking, he brought us to a room that had a centrifuge in it. The man explained what it was and and the purpose of the machine. We would have been able to go on it, but it was under construction. They were trying to improve the machine with the different ways you could sit or lay in it. One interesting topic that he explained to us while in the room was the explaination to the fluids in our ears. He explained how it kept our balance and how the fluids send messeges to our brain. Once questions were answered, we moved to a different room where other experiments and machines were. In the room was a robot that tested the stiffness of a spacesuit. Our guide explained exactly how that is done and why. He explained that space suits were too stiff for astronauts to move in, which is why they are trying to make a more improved one. He had a few examples in the room that gave us an idea on how they want them to look like. Next he had a demonstation on how it would feel to be on the Moon or Mars. Most of your weight was supported by a harness that was hooked to a spring. Then you would walk on a tredmill so you expreince how it would feel if you were walking on the Moon or Mars. A few girls tryed and you could see the excitement on their face. Everyone had a good time and headed towards the bus with a smile on their face.