
Changing Seasons, New Programs Coming!

May 8, 2009 - 7:10am -- cathisblog

At Girls Inc, we are making some exciting changes to our programming that will start this summer and really take off next fall. Like the spring weather with its temperature ups and downs and rainy days, these changes will require some getting used to! But we can promise you that they will be GREAT!

The statistics about childhood obesity and its health effects are startling and troubling, with the increased risks for diabetes, depression, risky behavior and learning problems well documented. That is why the primary focus of our new programming this fall will be on our intensive FIT girls program - creating new opportunities for girls to be strong and physically healthy.

At Girls Inc's Providence Street facility, we are going to be offering a wide range of program activities and skill-development for girls - in swimming, sports, basic gymnastics, dance, yoga, double-dutch jumprope, basketball, volleyball, conditioning and more - along with courses on nutrition and healthy eating. We are working with area doctors, the American Diabetes Association, the local Common Pathways initiative, the Worcester Public Schools, teachers and other partners to create GIRL FOCUSED programs that are based on good research - that work FOR GIRLS - and that are fun!!

Getting physically healthy is a proven way to help girls learn and succeed in school, with friends and in life! We are also working with local and national funders to get financial support for the programs to keep them affordable!!

I read this quote this morning, and it summarizes my wish for all the girls: "To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect is to have everything." We need to work together as a community to INSPIRE them to reach for the stars! Joan Didion

Happy Spring!
